The H-O-T Series of Philadelphia is a monthly series curated by dance artist Loren Groenendaal and experimental percussionist flandrew fleisenberg that features improvisational dance, music, and other experimental performance from local and touring artists.
For March, the series included six movements:
Movement I
Megan Stern, dance and movement
flandrew fleisenberg, the unique percussionist and sound creator
Connor Przybyszewski, trombone
Movement II – Sounding and Moving “Collaboration #20”
Bil Wa
Jasmin Schaitl
Amy Jean
Julie Verdone
Movement III
Mauri Walton, dance & movement
Scott Prato, guitar
Movement IV
Julie Verdone, dance
William Clarke-Fields, electronics
Movement V
Megan Stern
Mauri Walton
Loren Groenendaal
William Clarke-Fields
Connor Przybyszewski
Scott Prato
Movement VI
flandrew fleisenberg, the unique percussionist and sound creator
Bil Wa
Jasmin Schaitl