This lovely dog, with warts, and a terrible stinkcommon to the breed, legless as walrus, teaches meto pursue my life with devotion. Robin Becker, In Praise of the Basset Hound
Tag: Basset Hound
The Williams Family
Celebrating the life of Harold Warren Williams.
The Chronicles Of Mr.Timer In Old Saybrook
You probably remember Mr.Timer, the Hush Puppy seen on this blog before. Today, he dropped by to show off his new glasses and to pose for a few frames of fame! Word of the day: Procrastination…
Tik Tok….Mr.Timer is on the block
Mr.Timer, a well behaved Basset Hound, decided to drop in for a visit to our office today. This wasn’t the first time this Hush Puppy visits us but it was probably his first posing adventure in front of a camera! In many of the shots, you will see Mr.Timer relaxing(does it a lot), holding his… Continue reading Tik Tok….Mr.Timer is on the block