This was a hike in West Rock State Park followed by a party hosted by Emily in New Haven, CT. The title was inspired by the fact that she has not seen some of the people who showed up for more than 20 years.
Tag: New Haven
Ben Shirley and the Scrimshaw Ensemble at The Uncertainty Music Series
July’s uncertainty music series featured Ben Shilrley(guitar) and the Scrimshaw Ensemble: Nathan Bontrager on cello, Adam Matlock on accordion, Anne Rhodes voice, & Carl Testa on bass. The group performed a set of Ben’s original music followed by improvisational sets for duets. The group concluded the night by a piece for quintet written by Ben.… Continue reading Ben Shirley and the Scrimshaw Ensemble at The Uncertainty Music Series
Broadcloth & Prehistoric Horse At John Slade Ely House
Broadcloth trio performed at John Slade Ely House in New Haven, CT last Friday with a set of their improvised music. Broadcloth trio is: Anne Rhodes, vocalsNathan Bontrager, Cello &Adam Matlock, accordion They played 4 pieces of their music Con Ahinco In Stitches Sharpie Suite Folk Song The entire performance may be watched on YouTube:… Continue reading Broadcloth & Prehistoric Horse At John Slade Ely House
West Rock Ridge State Park
This was a hike with New Haven Hikers. We walked around the state park and enjoyed the views from the Ridge before descending towards Lake Wintergreen and heading back.
Carl Testa Trio plays for the Uncertainty Music Series in New Haven
Carl Testa Trio did such a stellar job Saturday at Never Ending Books in New Haven that the crowd forgot about the wind and rain blowing outside and immersed in an hour of music indulgence as the trio played a set of 5 pieces of their original compositions. Cark Testa trio is:Carl Testa, String BassMike… Continue reading Carl Testa Trio plays for the Uncertainty Music Series in New Haven
From Rail to Trail, Farmington Canal
The Farmington Canal was built in the 1800s to facilitate trade between the towns of Connecticut, it was what some say a reaction to Errie’s canal in NY state. It was originally meant for boats to move merchandise but later railroads proved cheaper and faster and the canal was ditched and a rail road covered… Continue reading From Rail to Trail, Farmington Canal
Broadcloth Trio
On January 30th 2010, Broadcloth trio played two sets of their original compositions with two aspiring guests. Broadcloth is a free improv Chamber group that includes: Anne Rhodes, VocalNathan Bontrager, CelloAdam Matlock, Accordion and Recorders(he also provided some voices) The guests were Gabriel Bolaños Chamorro, electronic spectral music composition and guitarSteve Zieminski, percussion and drums… Continue reading Broadcloth Trio
To Yale or not to Yale, that is the question
This was a hangout with a friend from my hometown in New Haven, CT last week. We met in a cafe and then decided to take a walk around. I was fascinated with some of the building structures that were lying around and started, surprise..surprise, shooting!