Twins of El Dorado

Twins of El Dorado

Twins of El Dorado is a modern art song ensemble featuring vocalist Kristin Slipp and trumpeter Joe Moffett. By turns playful, ritualistic, and downright bizarre, the duo performs original texts and music, and also explores the works of others, from medieval choral music to pieces by saxophonist Steve Lacy.

Carl Testa Trio plays for the Uncertainty Music Series in New Haven

Snapshot from the video footage

Carl Testa Trio did such a stellar job Saturday at Never Ending Books in New Haven that the crowd forgot about the wind and rain blowing outside and immersed in an hour of music indulgence as the trio played a set of 5 pieces of their original compositions. Cark Testa trio is:Carl Testa, String BassMike… Continue reading Carl Testa Trio plays for the Uncertainty Music Series in New Haven

Broadcloth Trio

On January 30th 2010, Broadcloth trio played two sets of their original compositions with two aspiring guests. Broadcloth is a free improv Chamber group that includes: Anne Rhodes, VocalNathan Bontrager, CelloAdam Matlock, Accordion and Recorders(he also provided some voices) The guests were Gabriel Bolaños Chamorro, electronic spectral music composition and guitarSteve Zieminski, percussion and drums… Continue reading Broadcloth Trio